
Thursday, January 21, 2016


Why Hydrogen Water
The molecule of hydrogen water is small enough to penetrate into cells deeply. The utmost thing is hydrogen water can neutralize ROS, Reactive Oxygen Species which are notorious for destroying normal cells o r distorting DNAs. Besides, you can also enjoy helpful minerals dissolved in hydrogen water.
For every disease there is a single key mechanism that dominates all others. If one can find it and then think one's way a round it, one can control the disorder.
(Lewis Thomas, MD Sloan Kettering Hospital, NYC)
A single key mechanism that dominates all others is redox reaction. So that, if we can find a way to control it, we can conquer the disorder. Water rich in atomic as well as molecular hydrogen should be an ultimate solution for it as far as my theory is concerned.(H. Hayashi, MD Water Institute, Japan)
H ydrogen therapy for the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases—particularly those associated with ROS (reactive oxygen species) and inflammation—has become a hot research subject. Many reports in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals, including in vitro and animal studies, plus some clinical trials in humans, have already been published. HEALTH PROBLEMS that may be beneficially affected by hydrogen therapy include, to name a few, atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion injury (as occurs in heart attacks and strokes), diabetes, stress-induced cognitive impairments, Parkinson’s disease (as shown in animal models), and various aspects of the metabolic syndrome (e.g., insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and endothelial function).
The medicinal properties of molecular hydrogen appear to be promoted as early as 1798. Many years later in 1975, the departments of Biology and Chemistry from the prestigious Baylor University and Texas A&M published a great article on the potential use of molecular hydrogen in medicine in the premier peer-reviewed journal of Science. However, it wasn’t until 2007, when an article was published in Nature Medicine, which showed the selective antioxidant properties and antiapoptotic (anti-cell death) activity of molecular hydrogen, that the biomedical field took strong interest in hydrogen’s therapeutic potential. Prior to 2007, only 50 articles were published regarding hydrogen as a medical gas, compared to over 300 articles within the past seven years
“Hydrogen-Rich Water” or hydrogenated water contains active hydrogen ions that act as powerful antioxidants in your body. The ions help eliminate oxygen free radicals that contribute to the development of illness and ultimately are responsible for the aging process.
Our body takes in the H2 and convert it into hydrogen anions, H-. or commonly termed as active hydrogen. Active Hydrogen is a powerful anti-oxidant as it is able to remove the active oxygen in our body that is known to be the cause of many types of chronic diseases. Molecular hydrogen also has anti-inflammatory effect besides its antioxidant properties. Inflammation is a silent killer that caused many chronic diseases. Hydrogen has also been found to have anti-tumor effect.
" We recently learned that the most important number related to our water is not pH . In fact, the most important number in health and wellness may not be your PSA, cholesterol or blood pressure, or ORAC. The most important number is the Number 1 on the Table of Periodic Elements, "Hydrogen." To be more specific diatomic molecular hydrogen. That tiny, pervasive, immensely powerful hydrogen."
The Benefits of Hydrogen-Rich Water
Hydrogen-Rich Water...
• Lubricates joints and muscles; our body is 70% water
• Keeps our minds alert; the brain is over 70% water needing hydration to function
• Helps the body absorb nutrients
• Aids in circulation and digestion
• Helps regulate body temperature
• Detoxifies cells and the whole body
• Improves blood pressure, decreases headaches, arthritic symptoms, back pain, and chronic illness symptoms
My question is: Is hydrogen-rich water true? I am aware of the alkaline water. I have read several articles in the Internet regarding this kind of water but I cannot seem to be convinced
A Hydrogen water is a solution of molecular hydrogen H 2 in water, which shouldn't be confused with acidic or basic solutions. The first scientific reference to hydrogen water appears to be in the journal, Nature Medicine which can be accessed here if you have a personal or institutional subscription to the journal. The claim is that molecular hydrogen can serve as a reducing agent and therefore has antioxidant properties; namely, it can reduce hydroxyl radicals:
H 2 +2OH·---2H 2 O
The article has generated a considerable amount of research, with well over 300 journal articles citing this work originally published in 2007. There seems to be some merit to the claim . One such article, which is publicly accessible is here.
How Can YOU Benefit from Hydrogen Protection?
How is all this possible?
At first glance it would seem this is too good to be true. How can a water do all this? The truth is it does not actually do any of these things—the body does. The Hydrogen merely enhances water to be of more use to the body, thus allowing the body to do more.
"Improve health for diabetes and prediabetes patients. A Japanese study involved 36 patients with either type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance (a prediabetic condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal). Some patients drank about 30 ounces of hydrogen-rich water daily for eight weeks… the rest drank the same amount of plain water. Results: Hydrogen-rich water consumption was associated with significant decreases in LDL “bad” cholesterol and urinary markers of oxidative stress as well as improved glucose metabolism… in two-thirds of prediabetes patients, oral glucose tolerance test results returned to normal. Among plain water drinkers, there were no significant changes. "
There are four direct mechanisms involved that allow for these benefits:
• Hydrogen- becomes an anti-oxidant, reducing damages in the body, thus also ultimately reducing immune system workload.• Hydrogen- literally fuels the ATP engine that powers every cell in the body. More fuel means more work can be done, less food needs to be eaten, and less food further reduces the oxidative load the body has to deal with.
"Ease the negative side effects of radiation treatment for cancer. In a 2011 study, Dr. Nakao’s team looked at 49 liver cancer patients undergoing radiation, a treatment that often increases fatigue and negatively affects quality of life. Participants who drank about two quarts of hydrogen-rich water daily for six weeks showed lower blood levels of oxidative markers (by-products of cell injury caused by free radicals) and reported higher quality of life than participants who drank tap water. Hydrogen-rich water did not compromise radiation’s therapeutic antitumor effects, Dr. Nakao noted. "
ConclusionsDaily consumption of hydrogen-rich water is a potentially , therapeutic strategy for improving QOL after radiation exposure. Consumption of hydrogen-rich water reduces the biological reaction to radiation-induced oxidative stress without compromising anti-tumor effects.Source

When you drink 2 L of hydro gen waterper day as utilizing antioxidant effects, it is like eating 1,512 bananas or 1,023 apples for the same purpose.
• Smaller Water Cluster Size- Appropriate electrical charge in water causes water molecules to form smaller groups and allows for easier hydration and transport of vitamins and minerals.
• Higher pH, More Alkaline- This is simple to understand as disease only forms in overly acidic conditions (lower pH). These conditions are caused by lifestyle and diet. Most people are overly acidic. Anything we can do to help buffer these acidic conditions will be beneficial.
• In addition, animal studies show that consumption of hydrogen-rich water may help reduce the risk for atherosclerosis… prevent stress-induced declines in learning and memory… slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease… prevent or ease colitis… reduce allergic reactions… improve kidney function in kidney transplant patients… and lessen kidney toxicity and other side effects of the chemotherapy drug cisplatin.
Free radicals are oxygen-contaning moleculas with an impaired electron. They are everywhere! In fact, through a process of oxidation in the body, our cells extract thousands of free radicals. Having been very reactive oxygen species,free radicals ricochet through your body and kill your healthy cells. If not quickly neutralised, free radicals cause oxidative stress a condition when cells and DNA suffer greater damage. This ages you more rapidly every day, wrecking total havoc on your health
One of the most interesting findings concerning hydrogen as an antioxidant is the discovery that it is a novel antioxidant because it scavenges the toxic hydroxyl radical (the strongest of the oxidant species)2c and the potent oxidant peroxynitrite (formed by the reaction of superoxide and nitric oxide), but is far less effective in scavenging physiological radicals such as superoxide and nitric oxide, important (at low concentrations) as signaling molecules.2 Moreover, hydrogen is able to diffuse extremely rapidly into tissue and “effectively reaches the nucleus and mitochondria,”1 suggesting “preventive effects on lifestyle-related diseases, cancer, and the aging process.”1 Hydrogen also passes through the blood-brain barrier, although most antioxidant compounds cannot do this.1
Active Oxygen results in leading to many diseases such as cancer,
stroke, rheumatism, high-blood pressure, aging, arteriosclerosis, etc
Clinical Improvements Obtained From Intake Of Hydrogen-Rich Water (1985-2000)
"In November 1995 I presented a hypothesis known by the title: ˜Water Regulating Theory (Hayashi's Model)' in a US health magazine. It says that active oxygen could be scavenged or reduced by atomic hydrogen, which results in production of H2O to give again a birthplace for every life form.
Hayashi, Hidemitsu, M.D., Water Institute, & Kawamura, Munenori, M.D., Kyowa Medical Clinic
 Improvement of general malaise, chronic constipation & diarrhea as well as persistent diarrhea after gastric resection
 Improvement of dehydration in infants with vomiting and diarrhea caused by viral infection
 Improvement of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns
 Improvement of blood sugar and HbA1c levels in diabetes
Reduced Diabetes Symptoms
In 2008, a team of Japanese researchers tested 30 subjects who had either type 2 diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance. After eight weeks, subjects who drank 900mL of hydrogen-rich water daily showed significan improvements in cholesteroal and other diabetes-related symptoms. The results of this research led the scientists to believe that hydrogen-rich water could help prevent type 2 diabetes. Source
 Improvement of peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene
 Improvement of liver function in hepatic diseases, cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis
 Improvement of uric acid levels in gout
 Improvement in Sports Performance
Better Sports Performance by Limiting Lactic AcidWhen you work out intensely, your muscles contract, causing oxidative stress. This can lead to signs of overtraining, which include muscle microinjuries, fatigue, and inflammation.
Hydrogen is believed to be an antioxidant. Researchers in 2012 performed a double-blined test on 10 soccer players, giving them hydrogen-rich water. The patients given hydrogen water isntead of the placebo demonstrated lower levels of lactate in their blood.
One wonders what this might do for tired heart muscles ?
These are interesting
 Improvement of cholesterol levels
 Improvement of gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences
 Improvement of hypertensive or hypotensive disorders
 Improvement of Dental Health
Better Dental Health
Tests on rats showed that drinking hydrogen-rich water could improve age-related tooth degeneration (oxidation). Source
 Improvement of hypersensitive disorders; urticaria (hives), atopic dermatitis, asthma, etc.
 Improvement of autoimmune disorders; rheumatism, collagen disease, SLE, etc.
 Improvement of dismenorrhea, menopause symptoms
 Improvement of Anti Aging Symptoms
Anti-Aging Effects
We generate molecules that do damage in our bodies every day, whether through intense exercise, smoking, ultraviolet exposure, pollution, aging, or any other types of stress. These “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) form in the process of breathing, something we have to do every minute of every day.
Certain scientific studies have suggested that the consumption of molecular hydrogen (which can be put into the body by drinking hydrogen-rich water) can help with a number of issues related to ROS, including obesity, diabetes, cognitive function, and even intestinal health. Source
 Improvement of malignant tumors; hepatoma, cancers, etc. 
 Improvement of Parkinson’s disease 
 Improvement of Alzheimer’s disease
 Improvement of Cerebrovascular diseases
 Improvement of Heart Disease
Lourdes Water in France is well known as Miracle Water. Scientists have it that it is good water because lots of hydrogen and minerals are dissolved.
 Improvement of specific diseases; Behcet Syndrome, Crohn Disease, Kawasaki's Disease, ulcerative colitis
Experiences of pregnant women who took hydrogen-rich water during their pregnancy; almost no emesis, smooth delivery, slight jaundice, enough lactation, smooth and satisfactory growth of newborns
Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985
The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.Hayashi, Hidemitsu, M.D."
Better Sports Performance by Limiting Lactic Acid
When you work out intensely, your muscles contract, causing oxidative stress. This can lead to signs of overtraining, which include muscle microinjuries, fatigue, and inflammation.
Hydrogen is believed to be an antioxidant. Researchers in 2012 performed a double-blined test on 10 soccer players, giving them hydrogen-rich water. The patients given hydrogen water isntead of the placebo demonstrated lower levels of lactate in their blood. Source
Anti-Aging Effects
We generate molecules that do damage in our bodies every day, whether through intense exercise, smoking, ultraviolet exposure, pollution, aging, or any other types of stress. These “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) form in the process of breathing, something we have to do every minute of every day.
Certain scientific studies have suggested that the consumption of molecular hydrogen (which can be put into the body by drinking hydrogen-rich water) can help with a number of issues related to ROS, including obesity, diabetes, cognitive function, and even intestinal health.Source
"After the water containing molecular hydrogen is absorbed through the small intestines, the H2 enters the cells of the body and combines hydroxyl free radicals creating a water molecule in the cells (2OH* + H2 –> 2H2O). This is very powerful from a perspective of cellular hydration, detoxification, and increased energy".
The therapeutic benefits, in what is called alkaline water, is not from increased pH. The therapeutic benefit of Ionized or Alkaline Water comes from molecular hydrogen. Molecular Hydrogen has been shown in over 350 studies to have positive effects on 150 different human diseases.
Radiation the Demon of modern living
"As the damage caused by radiation is largely a result of hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen is a potent scavenger of hydroxyl radicals, it is unsurprising that studies have reported protection by hydrogen against radiation injury.One study14 explained that “[t]he gastrointestinal tract is one of the most susceptible organs to radiation. As low as 1 Gy of radiation induces a dramatic increase in apoptosis [programmed cell death] in mouse small intestinal crypt within 3–6 h after exposure, predominantly in the stem cell region.” In their study, the researchers tested the protective effects of hydrogen-rich water against gamma radiation to cultured lymphocytes and the gastrointestinal tract in mice. In the mice, for example, plasma SOD (superoxide dismutase) and GSH (glutathione) concentrations were significantly higher at 12 hours after irradiation in the hydrogen treated group as compared to the controls. The plasma malondialdehyde (a lipid peroxidation product) and intestinal 8-OHdG (a breakdown product of damaged DNA) concentrations at 12 hours of irradiation in the hydrogen treated group was significantly lower than that of the control group.
In another radiation study15 by the same group published in a different journal that same year, hydrogen-rich water was tested for its possible protection of the heart from damage by ionizing radiation in mice. The authors hypothesized that the hydrogen-rich water would protect against the hydroxyl radicals produced during irradiation. They found decreased myocardium degeneration, decreased myocardium malondialdehyde, decreased 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels, and increased levels of endogenous antioxidants in the hearts of irradiated, hydrogen-water-treated mice as compared to irradiated but untreated mice."Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw
Healthy water has several advantages in the human body, , making the skin soft, promoting proper digestion, preventing and treating acne break outs and pimples, gets rid of wastes in the body and certain organs need water such as the brain, bones, stomach, liver etc.
Adequate hydration with hydrogen-rich water pre-exercise reduced blood lactate levels and improved exercise-induced decline of muscle function. Although further studies to elucidate the exact mechanisms and the benefits are needed to be confirmed in larger series of studies, these preliminary results may suggest that HW may be suitable hydration for athletes.Source

Safety of HydrogenHydrogen (H2) is reported to have no cytotoxicity even at high concentrations.1 “The safety of H2 for humans is demonstrated by its application in Hydreliox, an exotic, breathing gas mixture of 49% H2, 50% helium and 1% O2, which is used to prevent decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis during very deep technical diving.”1
Effects of hydrogen have been reported in 63 disease models and human diseases (Table 1). Only two diseases of cerebral infarction and metabolic syndrome have been analyzed in both rodents and humans. Lack of any adverse effects of hydrogen enabled clinical studies even in the absence of animal studies. Some other human studies including Parkinson’s disease are currently in progress, and promising effects of hydrogen are expected to emerge for many other human diseases. We also have to elucidate molecular bases of hydrogen effects in detail

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  3. Nice Post!

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